While dogs can make great companions, they also offer a considerable safety risk to children, particularly those under the age of five. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) estimates that 4.5 million individuals are attacked by dogs each year. According to the AVMA, “Young kids are the most common victims of dog bites and are far more likely to be severely injured.”

Our firm is dedicated to safeguarding the rights of injured individuals and their families. With vast expertise addressing dog bite cases, we understand that the best way is to prevent them from occurring in the first place. Our Nevada dog bite lawyers offer advice on how to keep your young kids safe and explain your choices if they are attacked by a dangerous dog.

Why do dogs bite?

Dogs bite as a last resort when their boundaries are violated, they feel threatened, or they are terrified. The CDC reports that 4.5 million individuals are attacked by dogs in the United States each year. Over half of dog bite victims are young kids, and the majority are bitten by their own pet or a dog they know.

Once a dog has bitten, she is more likely to bite again since she has discovered that it works for her and prevents unwanted engagement. So, dog owners must take precautions to limit the likelihood of a bite. You can begin by teaching those around you to treat your pet with respect.

What Parents Should Know to Protect their Young Kids from Dog Bites?

What Parents Should Know to Protect their Young Kids from Dog Bites?

There are various steps parents can take to safeguard their young kids from dog bites:

Report Stray Dogs

Stray dogs may carry many diseases, and they should be reported if they become a regular presence in the community. An excellent method to do this is to report the dog to a shelter, where they can take care of the dog and possibly put it up for adoption. Teach your children

As a parent, you are responsible for educating your child how to interact correctly with a dog. Some of the most important things that should be taught include:

  1. Please do not throw anything at a dog or attempt to harm it in any way.
  2. Before petting the dog, get permission from both the parent and the dog’s owner.
  3. Teach your young kids to gently pet dogs, without hugging them if they are unaware. If they do, show your young kid how to hug it lovingly.
  4. Make sure kids understand not to scream or jump near the dog. The idea is not to terrify the animal into an aggressive action.

What Do Young Kids Need to Know to Avoid Dog Bites?

Education is essential for avoiding dog bites. This is why it is important for young kids to understand how to behave around dogs. This is especially important when meeting a dog for the first time, but it applies to all contacts with this sort of animal.

How to Pet a Dog?

Young kids should know how to gently pet the dog. Children can be pretty clumsy, and they frequently lack an awareness of their own power and the damage they can cause when pulling on a dog’s fur. Even accidental actions can result in a dog bite since the animal feels intimidated and injured. 

Not to tease a dog.

Some Young kids may enjoy teasing a dog. This may include pulling on their tails or ears or beating them with something. This is both dangerous and cruel, and young kids should learn not to do it. It hurts the animal and may result in a bite and a trip to the emergency room.

Do Not Interrupt Dogs.

Dogs can be very territorial and unhappy when they are stopped when performing certain tasks. This involves sleep and eating. This is especially true when a dog is caring for its puppies. Female dogs can be highly aggressive if they regard a human as a threat, and they will not hesitate to defend their puppies.

Never back a dog into a corner.

Nobody loves feeling caged, and dogs are no exception. Backing a door into a corner can cause the dog to respond aggressively, attempting to escape their apparent “prison”. Young kids must understand that refraining from this conduct is necessary for their own safety and the happiness of the dog.

What Do You Do If You’ve Been Bitten by a Dog?

What Do You Do If You've Been Bitten by a Dog?

If you have been bitten by a dog in Nevada, seek medical attention immediately because the wounds can grow infected and require medical attention. After getting medical attention, call an experienced Nevada personal injury lawyer to discuss your legal options.

This includes determining if you can make a claim against the dog’s owner for bite-related damages such as medical costs, lost income, and pain and suffering.

An experienced Nevada personal injury lawyer can assist you in investigating the occurrence, gathering evidence to back up your claim, and negotiating with the insurance company to obtain the greatest compensation for your injuries.

What are the most dangerous dog breeds in Nevada?

There is no single breed of dog that is more likely to bite or attack someone, as any breed might turn aggressive given the correct circumstances. However, some of the most deadly dog breeds in Nevada are:

  • Pit bulls, 
  • Rottweilers, 
  • German shepherds, 
  • And Doberman pinschers.

It is important to remember that any dog has the potential to become violent and bite someone if not properly socialized or taught.

No matter what breed of dog you have, you should always take precautions while engaging with a new or unknown animal.

What Are Nevada’s Dog Bite Laws?

What Are Nevada's Dog Bite Laws?

Nevada does not have a statewide statute that explicitly outlines legal liability for dog bite-related injuries and damages. Many states that do not have a specific dog biting statute on the books frequently use the “one-bite rule.”

Under the one-bite rule, a dog’s owner must be aware of their dog’s viciousness, dangerousness, or tendency to attack (typically as a result of a previous event in which the dog bit or attacked someone) before the owner can be held accountable for a dog bite injury.

Contact our Nevada dog bite injury lawyers for a free case review.

At Lach Injury Law, our Nevada dog bite lawyers have the professional skills you can rely on. If your young kid was bitten by a dog, we are available as a legal resource. Contact us online to schedule your no-cost, no-obligation introductory visit.

Contact us online to schedule your no-cost, no-obligation introductory visit.

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